educate. train. develop.

Literacy Tutoring and Intervention.
Our SSW EDUCATE program provides literacy tutoring and intervention via iReady. Through this Common Core State Standards-based diagnostic and instructional reading tool, student-athletes receive individualized learning pathways that meets them at their personal instructional level and enhances their learning outcomes as it relates to literacy.
The targeted outcomes of this program are Increased literacy proficiency as measured by reading fluency and comprehension, higher grades in school, projected higher performance on State TCAP-TN Ready Testing.
Competitive Football and Cheer
Our SSW TRAIN program engages our student-athletes through rigorous sports training and competition that emphasizes age-appropriate physical strength and conditioning, knowledge of game, understanding of anatomy and physiology, an introduction to health nutrition for athletic performance, sportsmanship, and other sport related areas.
The targeted outcomes of this program are improved football/cheer knowledge and skill, stronger display of sportsmanship, improved health and wellness, and understanding of disciplined play.

Youth Development and Leadership
Our SSW DEVELOP program offers student-athletes with personal development and leadership opportunities through learning series, fellowship, challenges, guest speakers, field trips, and participation in external programming. During their matriculation through the South Side Wildcat Organization, student-athletes have opportunities to learn, grow, and lead on and off the field.
The targeted outcomes of this program are improved self-awareness, increased self-confidence, understanding of self-efficacy, stronger relationships with others, including adults, stronger faith, increased exposure to occupational opportunities, and clearly defined goals for present and future.